Friday, August 29, 2008

Glimmer of hope

Sometimes the littlest things get me excited. After starting our science, the elementary Apologia, swimming creatures, I saw a glimmer of hope that maybe something is sticking. We have been learning about the ocean floor and while the kids were swimming this afternoon, I heard them decide that the floor of the pool was like the floor of the ocean. Shallow end was the continental shelf, the slope to the deep end was the continental slope and the deep end was the abyssal plain. They even used all the correct words. I almost cried! I guess it gives me enough umph to continue on!!! Now if I could see a glimmer of hope with math, I really would cry!
A scary thing I have heard from them as we have been learning about the ocean is 'on SpongeBob..., on SpongeBob...'! Funny thing is, Spongebob seems to be fairly educational after all. Who knew.


The Sweet Life said...

My kids watched SpongeBob this morning - maybe I should encourage them to watch more! (I don't know if I could handle it!) I'm glad that some things are sticking. I love it when I can tell that they actually learned something!