Birthday girls
We had party number 2 today.Four kids in our 'swim club' have bdays real close, so we partied together. Unfortunately we didn't get to go to the Jones Center and skate and swim. The fact that Springdale has no electricity put a damper on things! We ended up at the dreaded Chuck E Cheese's. It wasn't near as bad as I make it out to be. The kids played, moms visited , cake was eaten and presents opened. Then it was time to go home. It was a little crowded due to public school being out, but not too bad. We managed to aviod meal time so no pizza!!! We were able to get out with a little money left in our pockets!
After all the ice and bad weather, Thursday it is back to normal for school. Thankfully, we only lost power for a few hours Tues morning. So many people we know have been w/out for days and it will be days more. I don't know how they make it if they don't have some type of fireplace. I decided that I will never live w/out a wood burning or pellet insert. It would be a lifesaver if you didn't have heat!
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