Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Good Eats

Well, I love my Southern Plate! I tried another recipe last night and loved it. It was the Bama Steak Sandwich. I like it so much, I'm having leftovers for lunch. It is easy, quick and yummy! My only complaint lately is that it has been very hard to navigate around her website. I don't know what the problem is but I hope it gets better.
We also had a wonderful Renew last night for homeschool moms. Kelli brought lots of different fun to make foods for the holidays. It was all so cute and I think I could do most of it, I just have to work on my 'want to' a little more. I didn't get pictures but I'm sure some others will post theirs soon. I think I will try the bread cornucopia first. It seemed easy enough! Of course, I need somewhere to go to take it!
I also brought a few things home with me that night and the kids ended up eating them for breakfast!!!!!Oh well!


Life at the Lake said...

I agree with you about navigating on Southern Plate since she made the changes ; ) I am posting the pictures I took last night on my blog.