Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricanes in Arkansas

Who would have thought! Well, not exactly a hurricane, but about as close as you can get in Arkansas. And I must say, after this I know I never want to be in a actual hurricane. The wind last night was awful. Thankfully, we didn't have any damage or broken tree limbs but my parents did. Several trees down and no electricity!But boy has the weather been beautiful this afternoon. Cool and sunny. I have the windows open and it is great.
I had some time alone this afternoon so I did some major cleaning out of T's toys. We have brown recluse and they seem to be worst in his room. I finally did a big clean out in his closet. I can only hope it might help! We have been fighting them for years and they are always winning! I found one crawling across my bed last week, just before I turned the light out to go to sleep. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well that night! At this point, I have the kids bedding all tucked in their mattresses so nothing touches the ground. We spray, we sticky trap but it seems once you have them, you have them for life-ugh!
Looking forward to the week. We get to go see the Eagles in concert Tues. It should be awesome.


Stephanie said...

I found a scorpion in my bed one night and we now have State Pest Control come out every 3 mths! You talk about not sleeping!! Have you tried them b/c a spider is just as bad as a scorpion!

Kim said...

We've been on a 3 month plan for about 3 years!

Britt&Brinn said...

I saw the tropical storm warning and had to take a double take to make sure I was on a local channel.
Eww on the spiders, we have had something biting and not sure what. Brae has had a brown recluse bite and it was so awful never want to relive that and of course it was Brae out of all of us..ugh.

Britt&Brinn said...

oops I keep doing that it is me not